
02 March 2011

Wood Board 1, Mike 0

Well the inevitable injury has happened.  I consider us fairly lucky since we have gone about 5 months without harming or maiming ourselves.  There has been a few cuts, a few bumps and bruises and quite a few electrical shocks, but nothing major…until this past weekend.  Mike was cutting wood for the cabinet bases and one of the boards flew off the saw in some sort of quest for revenge.  He got quite the knock to his head which resulted in a pretty big gash, a good size bump and a pounding headache.  Luckily, Mike’s sister has a nursing background and was able to stand the blood and fix him right up.  Poor guy!

(No pictures of this.  I didn’t really want to see a close up of it and Mike refused to be photographed since he was pretty upset he wasn’t able to do his hair well enough given his wound.)

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