
07 March 2011


I have decided that Mike and I are in need of a calendar to schedule our ever growing to-do list. While we are never really at a loss over what to do, it has seemed a bit haphazard. And due mostly to my preference for relaxation in the evenings instead of work, we are getting a bit behind with no real end date in sight. I thought that having an ultimate finishing date would help keep us on task. So, I came up with a not so pretty but functional calendar. I love it. Mike hates it.  While he appreciates my renewed energy (I think), my constant “Ok, here is what we are going to do next” is literally driving him nuts.

It always seems that one is almost always much more ambitious during the planning phase and less so in the execution phase.  (Unfortunately, the same is true for my workout schedule!) My calendar is bursting at the seams and overfilling onto multiple pages. The weeks have a great number of tasks that seem perfectly doable at first, but prove to be too much to accomplish with the existing (and not nearly enough) hours in a day. And while it seems like every morning I am moving one or two tasks that we didn’t finish the previous night to later in the week, I continue to be optimistic about what we can do in one night. Everyday I adjust my calendar and admire my planning skills.

Below is a sneak peek at the calendar for the rest of this week.  If I posted anymore, Mike might not come home after work.  With the rest of the weeks looking similar, I see many late nights and exhausting weekends in our future. Hopefully it will be worth it in the end.  Hopefully.  The promise of a relaxing break over the summer is just too good to give up on now!


L- Prime KI Trim

M- Finish Boards
Shop paint and  supplies

Paint ceiling
L- AM Dr. Appt

L- Happy Hour

M- Caulk KI Trim

Remove KI door

Paint 1st coat KI Trim

Sand/clean trim

Paint 2nd coat KI Trim

Buy wall paint, primer

Paint 1st  coat KI

Move OF bed to MBR

Discuss Sinks

M- Finish sink platform

Paint 2nd coat KI

Remove OF and BA doors

Order sink


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