
09 March 2011

More Kitchen Updates

I believe this is like the 16th update we have done about the kitchen, but seeing that it has been consuming our lives, it seems appropriate. See here and here and here for a reminder of the previous states of the kitchen renovation process. So, as I’m sitting here literally waiting for paint to dry, here is the latest…

Most recently we have been preparing to paint in preparation for the cabinets to be installed. Seems simple enough. That is it seems simple enough until you consider all of the steps to get there. Before the walls could be painted, we had to spackle, sand and prime the existing walls. Since we are changing the flooring, the door trim was going to end up too short, so new trim had to be cut, installed and painted. Mike figured since we are painting everything anyway, why not paint the ceiling too.  The door between the kitchen and garage was not aligned right, so that had to be adjusted before the trim was painting to prevent any knicks. Really? All this so we can change the walls from lime green to a different (normal) color?!

As is becoming the norm for us, things were not as cut and dry as it should have been (pun intended). Our motto became “measure eight times, cut four” as we installed the new trim. We finally got everything right, assembled the door trim and raised it up in glory to nail in.  We ended up doing this at about 10:30pm on a Sunday night and surely anyone who happened to be outside passing by the house probably thought we were insane as the loud hammering echoed from the bare kitchen to the dark night. In an attempt to make up for lost time, Mike stayed up even later (3am) to fill and sand the nail holes and I woke up early (5:30am) to sand and prime. Both seemed like good ideas Sunday evening, but less so halfway through the work day on Monday when we felt like the only good idea was a nap.

And then there was the ceiling. The ceiling in the kitchen is angled and goes from a standard 8 feet up to approximately 10 feet high. At first glance, this is great as it opens up the kitchen and makes it feel larger than it is. I really like it, BUT I always had that feeling it would be a pain to paint (so I crossed my fingers we wouldn’t actually do it, no luck on that one). However, being the liberal, progressive woman I am, I pretty much figured Mike would do it and it would be a pain for him while the only pain I would endure would be his (valid) complaints about the crick in his neck from looking up. However, being the liberal, progressive man Mike is, he let me take care most of the rolling while he edged. Goody. One thing about me though is that I have a disdain for ladders due to my lack of grace and will go to great measures to avoid using anything higher than the first step of a step stool. Reaching the peak of the ceiling was either going to require me constantly jumping most definitely to result in a polka dot pattern, growing taller or getting over my fear. I chose the former and we now have a splotchy ceiling. Kidding. I chose to graduate to the second step of the step stool and even to the third rung of the ladder, albeit very briefly. There were no major panic attacks and I only had one emergency dismount after losing my balance, a resounding success in my opinion. Oh, and the ceiling turned out successful too.

According to the schedule (yes that schedule) we should be painting by then end of the week!

And here is a preview of the cabinets actually in the kitchen.  They are the upper cabinets and they are upside down, but you get the idea!  Progress is progress and we are on our way!

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