
08 January 2011

Kitchen Progress!

We are making progress on the kitchen, slowly but surely.  Sections of the walls needed to be removed, outlets had to be installed or moved, electric wire needed to be run, the floor had to be leveled, drywall had to be put back up and spackled and the lovely green stripes had to be spackled and sanded.  For a list that only takes up a few lines, it has certainly taken us a while to get to everything.  Our weekends have been full of hard work and we try to spend some weeknights to getting odds and ends done.  I definitely miss peaceful weekends spent catching up on tv and going out to dinner with friends, but I miss having a kitchen even more!  Mike has been great at devoting nearly all of his free time working.  Ocassionaly he lets me drag him out for a fun dinner out every once in a while- and the fact that we get to eat something not made in the microwave is an added bonus.

New walls are so pretty, especially when it means we are making progress!

The new sink wall complete with green board.

Mike goes a little overboard with the spackle!

Even more spackle and lots of floor leveler.

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