
31 December 2010

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

Happy New Year!  2010 has been a year of so many great things and so many changes.  Thinking back to January's Snowmageddon (part 1 AND 2!) seems like a lifetime ago.  On April 17, time stood still for a weekend while Mike and I went on a camping trip to Shenandoah and came home engaged.  Once spring came around (and some of the snow had melted) our lives seemed to move into fast forward.  One of my best friends got married in May, Mike closed on the house in June, we started planning a move and a wedding throughout the rest of the summer, and once fall came around, I packed up and moved to Delaware.  There have been trying times.  There has been tears.  But, I can honestly say the good times outweighed the not so good.  2010 was a great year.  With all of the exciting things we have planned for 2011, I can not wait to see what is around the corner.

And here is the last sunset of 2010:

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