
13 March 2011


You may have noticed that our cat Maserati appears in most of our pictures.  He loves to be around us every minute we are home and follows us from room to room, making sure we are never too far away.  I try to get him to stay away from the dust and fumes, but this rarely works unless I lock him downstairs.  Instead, he prefers to sit or lay right outside of whichever room we are working in and supervise our every move.  I would think he would be scared or skiddish with all of the noise we make hammering or drilling or banging on whatever piece of metal is not cooperating at the time, but he rarely lifts his head at even the loudest noise.  We joke that he is our union supervisor as he keeps an eye on us, occasionally roams through the room to check things out and sometimes even meows to tell us what he thinks.

See what I mean…


I'm glad someone around here is making sure we are doing everything right!

I even have a hard time blogging without Maz wanting to put his two cents in.

 And as we all know, supervising is especially tiring.  Here Maserati is recovering after a long day of hard work.

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