
06 September 2011


Check out that concentration!
I never thought paper and stationary was that big of a deal.  When checking out other brides' websites I always wondered why they included a section on paper goods.  I mean come on, its just paper!  I was wrong.  Who knew something so simple could be so stressful! At first I was convinced I could do our own invitations or at least part of them.  And then as the date to send them out got closer and closer, this idea went out the window.  Luckily, there is a great local store that specializes in invitations. It took us a about a week and multiple trips back and forth to the store to finally choose a design and place an order.  They came in almost a week earlier than scheduled so we were able to get started on addressing them and stuffing them right away.  Since we were (ok, I was) so excited to get them out we stayed up well past midnight getting everything ready to be sent out and mailed them the next day.

Guess who wanted to help?

Off to the post office!

And this is what I found when I got home...

24 August 2011

Cakes by Triz

Some of you may not know that Mike has a small side business with his mother creating custom cakes.  They have been working together for years making cakes for any occasion from birthdays to bachelor parties.  Not only are they imaginative works of art, but they are also delicious.  Here are a few recent creations from this past week:

19 June 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Father’s Day is especially important to me so I wanted to take a minute to say thanks to all the dads out there.  And to my dad, thank you for being you.  I haven’t always made things easy for you (sorry for those gray hairs!) but through it all you have been a constant source of love, understanding and support.  I remember a lullaby that was sung to me when I was young that had a line about being a “lucky little girl” and I truly am.  Thank you for everything.

15 June 2011

Save the Date!

Our Save the Date cards for the wedding have arrived!  They should be coming to a mailbox near you soon!

11 June 2011

Outdoors at Last!

Mike and I used to hike and camp quite often (and even when the weather wasn't exactly optimal).  However, the house and repairs have taken over our lives and we have not been able to tear ourselves away for a long time.  That finally changed today as we got a chance to take a quick hike with very good friends.  It was so nice to be outside and enjoying the fresh air and good company.  I'm really looking forward to exploring new places and have even started researching more trails to check out.  Hopefully this summer we will be able to go on more and more outings...outings that don't include Lowe's or Home Depot. 

Hiking White Clay Creek State Park:

Dave and Mike discussing manly things while sporting their stylish backpacks.

I'm pretty sure this was right after we took a wrong turn and had to back track.

Dave and Lauren- 1/4 of our bridal party!

Of course Dave found something to climb.

06 June 2011

Surprise! Happy Birthday Mike!

Mike turned 32 today!  Since he has been working incredibly hard, I wanted to do something special for him for his birthday this year.  I decided I wanted to get Mike a grill as a present and that it would be fun to arrange for all of our friends to come over for a BBQ.  The fun part was, I didn't plan on telling Mike any of this.  Instead, he would think people are just randomly showing up until I admitted that it was all planned and everyone was here to celebrate.  The tricky part was going to be that the house is in complete disarray and not exactly in any shape to be a party site. Luckily, we have very understanding friends. So after weeks of planning (and lots of fibs) everything came together on Sunday.  Between trying to get the backyard in shape and the house somewhat presentable, I was driving Mike completely insane.  He couldn't understand why I was out late every night, why I was leaving him lists of things to do that he didn't think were priorities at all, or why I was completely stressing.  However being Mike, he was extremely patient and I am still shocked he put up with me!  Everything worked out (almost) perfectly.  Mike was definitely surprised and we all had a good time.  Thank you so much to everyone who helped me pull it off!

Here are some pictures:

"Can you help me get something out of the car?"

The grill master with his shiny new toy!

Cars always make him giddy!

02 June 2011


After months of installing cabinets, it took mere weeks to get the countertop installed.  The installers came out yesterday to deliver and attach the countertop.  Things didn't exactly go as planned- neither the main piece nor the peninsula was cut correctly and they put more than a couple holes in the wall.  There are a few more serious issues and we are currently working with Lowe's to correct everything.  Still, it was nice to see most of the countertops on the cabinets and get an idea of what everything will eventually look like.  It will probably be a little bit before we know exactly how everything will work out.  All in all, it isn't great, but its a minor setback and goodness knows, we have plenty to do to keep us busy in the mean time!

The main section of countertop

The sink and sink base.

Close up of the countertop.

22 May 2011

Hey Look, Its Looking Like a Kitchen!

When we first removed the appliances from the kitchen, we thought it would only be for a short while we simply painted and installed the cabinets. Needless to say the "simply" part turned into 6 months and soon enough our appliances made themselves a new home with the refrigerator taking up residence in the living room and the stove in the sunroom. Well, they are finally back in their rightful place. As a reminder, our kitchen looked like this five months ago:

And now it looks like this:

There is still work to do, but it is most definitely coming along.  The new countertop and new sink should be delivered in a couple weeks, but in the mean time the kitchen is at least semi-functional thanks to our custom cardboard cutout countertop substitute.  It was so nice to cook breakfast this weekend on the stove, in the kitchen like normal people. Part of me might miss the fridge within arms distance from the sofa, but a much bigger part of me is looking forward to getting back to the land of cooked meals and food not stored in boxes on the floor.  Check it out, we even got a head start and put some necessities in the pantry cabinet.  (And yes, Special K and coffee are the necessities.)

So, now that the kitchen is back together, time to tear up the next room!

18 May 2011

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

This past weekend was the Spring NASCAR race at Dover.  I admit, I love NASCAR and I don't care if it makes me a redneck (quite literally as I get sunburned every single year)!  I blame my father for getting me into it.  I remember watching races with him and asking him tons of questions since he seemed like an expert as he would tend to say aloud what was happening or wrong with a car before the announcers were.  Luckily, when I met Mike I learned that he also liked NASCAR, I knew it was a sign! Ever since we met we have been attending the Spring race every year and each year it is so much fun.    I consider myself lucky that Mike's buddies have let me crash their guys day! 
A paratrooper drops in during the national anthem.

Green flag!

The scanners are a great look!


Mike and Kevin

Kenseth wins!

14 May 2011

Happy Birthday, Teddy!

My little boy turns 23 years old today!  I still remember getting him off the trailer the day I got him when he was 6 and I was 11.  Neither one of us are the young pair we used to be and Teddy is showing his age a little bit as he is graying all over his face more and more, is quite stiff most days and his COPD is wrecking havoc on his respiratory and immune systems.  However, he still has a light in his eyes and still looks at everyone happily with ears so far forward they look like they will spring off as if he truly believes their sole purpose is to give him treats.  He has been my best bud for over 15 years and by my side for all of my huge milestones.  I have buried my face in his neck to cry and celebrated the good times with him over carrot cake.  He has frustrated me over the years (and still does), but he has taught me so much and makes me smile every time I see him.  So I know he doesn't read my blog (no matter how many times I send him the link) but Happy Birthday, my friend.  I love you beyond words.

13 May 2011

The Cabinets are IN!

I have been waiting and wanting to write this post for quite a while now, for almost 6 months to be exact.  Our cabinets were delivered on Nov. 17 and now on May 13 we finally have the cabinets in place and screwed in.  Well technically, the peninsula cabinet still needs a few more screws, but heck, close enough!  The big room off the garage finally looks like a kitchen again.  The countertop people should be coming out next week to measure and scribe and in the mean time we will finish working on setting up the cabinet lights.  Hopefully by the end of the month we have a full, functioning kitchen! We might even put the doors back on the cabinets, but for now, I'm kinda digging the "open" concept.

Here's a photo timeline of the last few days...

Bases in and getting ready to raise the upper cabinets...with car jacks of course!
A family affair- Mike with his parents leveling the upper cabinets.

Proud of his accomplishment!
Both slackers finally doing some work and prepping the peninsula cabinet.

Installing the LAST cabinet



04 May 2011

Wedding Progress

So now that we are less than 6 months away from the wedding, we have been checking things off our to-do list left and right (and sending checks out left and right)! We reserved our officiant, got our engagement pictures taken, designed our Save the Date cards and drumroll please....I bought my dress! I searched high and low at dozens of stores across three states and sure enough, I bought it from a store 10 minutes from my office. The search was worth it and it should be here in mid-August. I am so, so excited. It is incredibly hard not sharing any of the dress details with Mike, but here is a sneak peek for everyone...


Just Kidding! Although that does give me an idea....

19 April 2011

Three Years Ago Today...

Three years ago today I met the man I'm going to marry. I met the man that has become my partner, my best friend, and my better half. When I look back at that evening we met, I did not realize that meal would change my life. You see, I had just tried a bison burger for the first time and it was really good. REALLY GOOD. I had no idea of the benefits of such a lean meant and...oh, shoot, this was supposed to be about something else... But seriously, I remember feeling so excited and so at ease the first time we met and that strange yet comforting feeling has never left. I am truly blessed I get to marry someone who makes me laugh, who supports me, and who frustrates and challenges me every day. We might have had ups and downs, a few headaches and heartaches, but I would not trade away any of those moments. I so look forward to making a lifetime of memories of us.

18 April 2011

Tax Day Riddle

So what happens when the world’s most procrastinating person moves in with the world's latest person?  FILING EXTENSIONS!

07 April 2011

Meet the Wedding Party - Part I

Mike and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and somehow we were able to convince these great folks to stand by us on our special day. We are very excited to have this important piece of the puzzle in place and could not imagine doing any of this without them.

And here they are!

The Ladies:
(From Leslie)

Lauren M.- Maid of Honor - Laur and I have been friends literally since birth. We grew up across the street from one another and have remained the best of friends. She has showed me what “through thick and thin” means, standing by my side through the good times and the not so good times. They say you know who your best friend is because you can be doing anything or nothing and always be having a good time. Well, we have been friends, neighbors, classmates and roommates and somehow through all these years I can not think of a single time when we were truly bored when together. I do not have a single memory that does not involve her in some way and just like I could not imagine catching fireflies with anyone else, I could not imagine anyone else standing next to me come wedding day.

Lauren S. - Bridesmaid - Wirz (as I still insist on calling her despite her new last name) is actually the one responsible for this entire thing. She is the one that introduced/set-up me and Mike in the first place. Not only am I eternally grateful for introducing me to my future husband, I am equally grateful she is such an amazing friend. I am also very lucky to have her expertise in all this wedding stuff as she married her best friend and all around great guy (see part 2) last May. I was fortunate enough to be in their wedding and am looking forward to her being in ours. My move to this area and wedding planning would definitely not have run so smoothly as they have without her (and her wonderful family’s) help.

Susan T.- Bridesmaid - Susan is Mike’s older sister. The two of them were very close growing up and I am so happy she has welcomed me so warmly into their family. Susan is a talented jewelry maker and in fact, made the beautiful, unique ring that Mike proposed with. I am beyond excited at the thought of having her as a sister-in-law and hope to get to know her better (and maybe squeezing out an embarrassing story or two about Michael's childhood!) She has been so incredibly supportive through everything and I am looking forward to having her as part of our bridal party.

Laura T. - Bridesmaid - Laura is Mike’s younger sister. Not only do I love the fact that I am gaining another sister-in-law, but I love the fact we share a passion for horses. We may bore everyone else at the dinner table with talk of barns and foals and riding, but I am really enjoying having yet another person to chat horses with. It has been fun spending time with her and I am looking forward to getting to know her even better. Despite the fact that she is a Ravens fan and I am Redskins fan, I am excited to be part of her family and thrilled she agreed to be in our wedding.

Check back later to meet the fine gents taking part in our special day!

31 March 2011

Dress Shopping 101

I have begun what is becoming the endless task of dress shopping. I quickly got a crash course in all things bridal attire and now know terms like rouching and pick ups and bodice. Who knew there were so many choices out there. Ok, so yes, we all knew there were tons of different styles and fabrics and details (and prices), but seeing them up close and personal is just down right daunting. There are so, so many out there, how are you to find the one?! You can’t exactly approach it like you would when finding the right guy. You can’t take it home with you, spend time with it, get a feel of it and then see if it annoys you after a little one on one time. No, instead it is like speed dating. You jump into it in front of strangers to see if it looks shiny and nice while trying to imagine taking it home to meet everyone You ask whatever questions you can think of to see if you guys will mesh, make a mental note and then move onto the next, and next, and next. And then sometimes it is like speed dating with an audience. Not only are you trying to decide if it is your style, your friends and family are there looking at you quizzically trying to decide if they like it while trying to get a hint of how you really feel about it so they don’t say the wrong thing. The bride can’t look too excited coming out for that first look because she is fearing that maybe she has horrible taste and thinks she looks like a princess when she actually looks like a lumpy marshmallow. The onlookers can’t make any snap judgments because what if the bride really likes those lace appliqués that they think look like grandma’s couch cover. The whole process is tricky and unsettling. In fact, its making me re-think the Jimmy Buffet theme of shorts and flip-flops.

13 March 2011


You may have noticed that our cat Maserati appears in most of our pictures.  He loves to be around us every minute we are home and follows us from room to room, making sure we are never too far away.  I try to get him to stay away from the dust and fumes, but this rarely works unless I lock him downstairs.  Instead, he prefers to sit or lay right outside of whichever room we are working in and supervise our every move.  I would think he would be scared or skiddish with all of the noise we make hammering or drilling or banging on whatever piece of metal is not cooperating at the time, but he rarely lifts his head at even the loudest noise.  We joke that he is our union supervisor as he keeps an eye on us, occasionally roams through the room to check things out and sometimes even meows to tell us what he thinks.

See what I mean…


I'm glad someone around here is making sure we are doing everything right!

I even have a hard time blogging without Maz wanting to put his two cents in.

 And as we all know, supervising is especially tiring.  Here Maserati is recovering after a long day of hard work.