
11 June 2011

Outdoors at Last!

Mike and I used to hike and camp quite often (and even when the weather wasn't exactly optimal).  However, the house and repairs have taken over our lives and we have not been able to tear ourselves away for a long time.  That finally changed today as we got a chance to take a quick hike with very good friends.  It was so nice to be outside and enjoying the fresh air and good company.  I'm really looking forward to exploring new places and have even started researching more trails to check out.  Hopefully this summer we will be able to go on more and more outings...outings that don't include Lowe's or Home Depot. 

Hiking White Clay Creek State Park:

Dave and Mike discussing manly things while sporting their stylish backpacks.

I'm pretty sure this was right after we took a wrong turn and had to back track.

Dave and Lauren- 1/4 of our bridal party!

Of course Dave found something to climb.

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