
02 June 2011


After months of installing cabinets, it took mere weeks to get the countertop installed.  The installers came out yesterday to deliver and attach the countertop.  Things didn't exactly go as planned- neither the main piece nor the peninsula was cut correctly and they put more than a couple holes in the wall.  There are a few more serious issues and we are currently working with Lowe's to correct everything.  Still, it was nice to see most of the countertops on the cabinets and get an idea of what everything will eventually look like.  It will probably be a little bit before we know exactly how everything will work out.  All in all, it isn't great, but its a minor setback and goodness knows, we have plenty to do to keep us busy in the mean time!

The main section of countertop

The sink and sink base.

Close up of the countertop.

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