
22 May 2011

Hey Look, Its Looking Like a Kitchen!

When we first removed the appliances from the kitchen, we thought it would only be for a short while we simply painted and installed the cabinets. Needless to say the "simply" part turned into 6 months and soon enough our appliances made themselves a new home with the refrigerator taking up residence in the living room and the stove in the sunroom. Well, they are finally back in their rightful place. As a reminder, our kitchen looked like this five months ago:

And now it looks like this:

There is still work to do, but it is most definitely coming along.  The new countertop and new sink should be delivered in a couple weeks, but in the mean time the kitchen is at least semi-functional thanks to our custom cardboard cutout countertop substitute.  It was so nice to cook breakfast this weekend on the stove, in the kitchen like normal people. Part of me might miss the fridge within arms distance from the sofa, but a much bigger part of me is looking forward to getting back to the land of cooked meals and food not stored in boxes on the floor.  Check it out, we even got a head start and put some necessities in the pantry cabinet.  (And yes, Special K and coffee are the necessities.)

So, now that the kitchen is back together, time to tear up the next room!

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