
18 May 2011

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

This past weekend was the Spring NASCAR race at Dover.  I admit, I love NASCAR and I don't care if it makes me a redneck (quite literally as I get sunburned every single year)!  I blame my father for getting me into it.  I remember watching races with him and asking him tons of questions since he seemed like an expert as he would tend to say aloud what was happening or wrong with a car before the announcers were.  Luckily, when I met Mike I learned that he also liked NASCAR, I knew it was a sign! Ever since we met we have been attending the Spring race every year and each year it is so much fun.    I consider myself lucky that Mike's buddies have let me crash their guys day! 
A paratrooper drops in during the national anthem.

Green flag!

The scanners are a great look!


Mike and Kevin

Kenseth wins!

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