
13 October 2010

Monday at 11am!

Perhaps the most stressful part of me moving to Delaware is not the fact that I will have to put up with Mike's fashion style on a daily basis, but the fact that I am leaving my job of 5 years without having anything definite lined up.  Ideally, we would love it if I was able to have a few weeks off between my last day at my current job and the start of a new job to allow me to move all of my belongings over the span of a few days and also give me free time to be able to work on the house.  However, the fear of not being able to find a job and a "few weeks" turning into a few months is growing by the day.  I have sent out a few job applications for government positions, but have not heard anything after the standard "you are qualified, we will be in touch" response.  I would have loved to be actively interviewing right now for a job, but since I am in my last two weeks, I can not take a day off (and 2 hours each way make even a long lunch break impossible).  However, now that my last day is just around the corner, I have started sending out resumes for jobs in the private sector and a few of the wonderful attorneys here have passed it and a recommendation on to whoever they know in the area.  Sure enough, I have my first interview lined up for Monday at 11am!  And the best part about having an interview scheduled?  I need a new suit and I can finally justify going on a shopping trip (or two)!

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