
24 August 2010

Wow'ed by Walls

WOW! The woman who lived in this house before must have had pictures and knickknacks hanging all over the house. And I mean EVERYWHERE! This weekend we needed to prep the walls to be primed and that meant removing everything from the walls and scrubbing them down to remove the grit and grime. We easily removed over a dozen picture hangers, screws and anchors from each room. The small office alone had maybe 10 hangers- per wall. Hey, everyone has their own taste and I'm not knocking that. What makes me laugh is the thought of Mike spackling and spackling all those tiny holes (and the not so tiny holes that I managed to make when an anchor or two got stuck...oops). Once we had the walls looking like someone used the room for target practice, we scrubbed every inch of them, the closets and the ceilings.

I can not wait to paint! Taking these rooms from their current chaotic state and making a more cohesive color palette is going to make such a difference!

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